Pakistan And The Usa: An Unequal Relationship

After the statement of Admiral Mike Mullen the Chief of Staff of the US Armed forces and the pressure brought upon Pakistan to act against the Haqqani faction, it was thought that some result could be expected.This has not happened and Pakistan has announced that they will take no action against the Haqqani faction.
The results have not been entirely unexpected as the Haqqani faction of the Taliban is a close ally of Pakistan and part of its strategy of strategic depth against India.The unfortunate part is that the Haqqani faction at present is not much concerned about India, but more intent in getting the USA out of Afghanistan.The result is the killing of Rabbani and now the attack on the US embassy.
General Kayani has cancelled a proposed visit to London and in a meeting of the corps commanders has decided to defy the USA.Perhaps everything cannot be seen from the American point of view, as it is a fact of history that the same Taliban as well as the Haqqani faction was armed by the USA and CIA themselves.It is another point that they have turned against their mentor.

But again this was expected as the US culture of liberalism cannot gel with a hard line Islamic movement.Wonder why the CIA think tank could not see it coming.
Pakistan is disturbed but defiant.Their foreign minister has denounced the US pressure and threatened that the USA would lose an ally.Perhaps these are brave words, for Pakistan in sum cannot afford to totally antagonize the USA.After all billions of dollars of US aid is pumped into Pakistan.This again gives me food for thought.The USA is beset by economic troubles at home and yet it has been pouring billions of dollars of aid to Pakistan.Why ? When you are hard pressed , how come you feed others and the best part is those billions have gone down the drain and the US hold in Afghanistan is rendered precarious by the actions of the ISI and Pakistan.
The question arises, what next ? Obama and his think tank are at their wits end.They have delayed acting against Pakistan by at least a decade and a half.For this the US Presidents and their advisers are to be squarely blamed.The Genie is now out of the bottle and won't go back.Wonder when India was pointing out that Pakistan was the epicenter of terror, why the USA turning a Nelson eye?
In the meantime Pakistan is girding up its lions and the USA is faced with an impossible situation.There is anew government now with Nawaz Sharif, but the Army still calls the shots and no significant change can be expected

Article Written by Madan G Singh

An early retired Gp Capt from Air Force who is an Executive Director in the Corporate world. Loves to write fiction and articles. Published over 60 short stories and his novel" Romance of the Frontier" is published from Notion Books.His second novel is on way for publication. The author also has close to 10,000 articles on the b net with millions of views

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